Dynamic Screening

Dynamic Screening (WorldClient)

Block IPs that fail this many authentication attempts

Use this option if you wish to temporarily block IP addresses that fail a WorldClient authentication attempt a specified number of times. This can help prevent attempts to "hack" a user account and falsely authenticate a session. This option monitors only WorldClient connections.

WorldClient sends an email to the postmaster when dynamic screening bans an IP address. The following settings to control this option are located in the WorldClient.ini file at: \MDaemon\WorldClient\WorldClient.ini


Block IPs for this many minutes

When an IP address is automatically blocked, this is the number of minutes the block will last. When the block expires the IP address will be able to connect to you again normally. This feature prevents you from accidentally blocking a valid IP address permanently.


Click this button to open the Dynamic Screen's WorldClient block list. This lists all IP addresses that have been blocked from connecting to WorldClient. You can manually add IP addresses and the number of minutes to block them by listing them one entry per line in the form: IP_address<space>Minutes. For example, 60.

