Windows Event Log

Use Windows Event Log

Click this check box if you want to log critical system errors, warnings, and certain other events into the Application section of the Windows Event Log.

SMS gateway email address

Use this option if you wish to send event data for any of the events designated below to a device in an SMS (text) message. To do so, specify the email address of your phone carrier's email-to-SMS (i.e. text message) gateway, such as Verizon's, which is (e.g. Then use the checkboxes in the SMS column below to specify the events that you wish to send to the device.

SMS | Log the following events:

Use the SMS options to designate the events you wish to send to a device via text message. Use the Log options to designate the events that you wish to log to the Application section of the Windows Event log. To send SMS messages you must specify the email address of your phone carrier's email-to-SMS gateway in the option above. Further, any event that triggers a notification message to the SMS gateway will cause the remote queue to be processed; the notifications will be treated as and "urgent" email.

The SMS option for Server startup and shutdown events will only send an email-to-SMS message for startup events, not shutdown.