
Subscription Reminders

Send monthly subscription reminders to all list members

Enable this option if you wish to send the contents of the provided text box as a subscription reminder message to each list member on the first day of each month. The reminder message is sent as text/html so that you can use HTML code in the reminder text if you choose. The following macros are available for use within the reminder message:

$LISTADDRESS$ - expands to the mailing list's email address (e.g.

$LISTNAME$ - expands to the local-part of the mailing list's email address (e.g. MyList).

$UNSUBADDRESS$ - expands the list's unsubscribe address (the MDaemon system address, e.g.

$MEMBERADDRESS$ - expands to the email address of the list member receiving the reminder (e.g.

If you wish to send reminders on a different day of the month, you can do so by setting the following key in the MDaemon.ini file:



Set "X" to a number from 1 to 28, representing that day of the month you wish to send reminders.