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MDaemon Messaging Server 21.0

Navigation: Setup Menu > Domain Manager > ActiveSync


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This screen contains an entry for each ActiveSync device associated with the domain.

ActiveSync Client Details

Double-click an entry, or right-click the entry and click View Client Details, to open the Client Details dialog. This screen contains information about the client, such as its Client Type, Client ID, last login time, and the like.

Client Settings

Right-click a client and click Customize Client Settings to manage its Client Settings. By default these settings are inherited from the Client Type settings, but they can be adjusted however you like. See Managing a Device's Client Settings below.

Assigning an ActiveSync Policy

To assign a Policy to the device:

1.Right-click a device in the list.

2.Click Apply Policy. This opens the Apply Policy dialog.

3.Click the Policy to Assign drop-down list and choose the desired policy.

4.Click OK.


Right-click an entry and then click View Statistics to open the Client Statistics dialog, containing various usage stats for the client.

Reset Statistics

If you wish to reset a client's statistics, right-click the client, click Reset Statistics, and then OK to confirm the action.

Removing an ActiveSync Client

To remove an ActiveSync client, right-click the client and click Delete, and then Yes. This will remove the client from the list and delete all synchronization information related to it in MDaemon. Therefore if in the future the account uses ActiveSync to synchronize the same client, MDaemon will treat the client as if it had never before been used on the server; all client data will have to be re-synchronized with MDaemon.

Full Wiping an ActiveSync Client

To do a Full Wipe on an ActiveSync client or device, select the client from the list and click Full Wipe. The next time the client connects, MDaemon will tell it to erase all data, or restore itself to its factory default state. Depending on the client, this may remove everything on it, including downloaded apps. Further, as long as the client's ActiveSync entry exists in MDaemon, it will be wiped again if it ever connects again to MDaemon in the future. If you no longer wish to wipe the client when it connects (for example, if a lost device is recovered and you wish to use it again with the account) then you must first use the Remove option above to remove the client from MDaemon.

Account Wiping an ActiveSync Client

To wipe the account's mail and PIM data from the client or device, right-click and click Account Wipe Account Mail and PIM from client. The Account Wipe option is similar to the Full Wipe option explained above, but instead of wiping all data, it will wipe only the account's data, such as its emails, calendar entries, contacts, and the like. The rest, such as apps, photos or music is left alone.

Authorizing Client

If the "New clients require administrative approval" option on the ActiveSync Client Settings screen is set to require approval, select a client and click Approve client to sync, to authorize it for synchronization with the server.  

Managing a Domain's Client Settings Managing a Device's Client Settings

The device-level Client Settings screen allows you to manage settings for a specific device.

