When you have enabled the "Push client settings to OC users" option on the OC Client Settings screen, the settings on this screen will be pushed to the corresponding screen in the Outlook Connector client whenever an Outlook Connector user connects to the server. The OC Client Settings are only sent to clients when one of the settings has changed since the last time the client connected and received them.

Incoming Server (IMAP)

Use secured connection (SSL)

Check this box if you want clients to use a secure SSL connection when connecting to the Incoming Mail (IMAP) server. Enabling this option will automatically change the Port setting to "993," which is the default SSL port.

Use Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Check this box if you want clients to use a secure TLS connection when connecting to the Incoming Mail (IMAP) server.


This is the port on which the Outlook Connector clients will connect to your Incoming Mail (IMAP) server. By default this is set to 143 for IMAP connections or 993 for SSL encrypted IMAP connections.

Outgoing Server (SMTP)

Use secured connection (SSL)

Check this box if you want OC clients to use a secure SSL connection when connecting to the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server. Enabling this option will automatically change the Port setting to "465," which is the default SSL port.

Use Transport Layer Security (TLS)

Check this box if you want OC clients to use a secure TLS connection when connecting to the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server.


This is the port on which the Outlook Connector clients will connect to your Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server. By default this is set to 25 for SMTP connections or 465 for SSL encrypted SMTP connections.

SMTP Authentication

SMTP server requires authentication

By default users must use valid login credentials to authenticate themselves when connecting to the Outgoing Server (SMTP) to send an email message.

Use Same Authentication as Incoming Server

By default Outlook Connector clients will authenticate themselves using the same login credentials for the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) server that they use for the Incoming Mail (IMAP) server.

Use SMTP Authentication

Use this option if you wish to require your Outlook Connector users to use different authentication credentials when sending messages, such as may be necessary when using a different email server for outgoing mail.
