Queue and Statistics Manager

MDaemon's Queue and Statistics Manager is accessed from within MDaemon under the Queues » Queue and Statistics Manager menu selection. The Queue and Statistics Manager is made up of a four-page dialog. Each of these pages has been designed to serve a distinct and specific purpose while also maintaining a simple format that makes them very easy to use.

Queue Page

The default tab is the Queue Page. From this page you can easily manage all of MDaemon's standard mail queues, as well as the User Account mailbox folders. By simply clicking on the queue or user of your choice, a list of all message files contained within the specified queue will be displayed along with several key pieces of pertinent information about each message: the sender, the recipient, the content of the "Deliver-To" header, the subject of the message, its size, and how long it has been at its current location. In addition, controls are provided that make it easy to copy or move messages between folders, or delete them completely.

User Page

The User Page displays a list of all MDaemon users. This list includes their full name, mailbox name, the number of messages in their mailbox, the amount of disk space that their account is taking up, and the date that they last checked their mail.  This list can also be saved to disk as a text file, or it can be saved in comma delimited format for use with databases.

Log Page

With this dialog you can display MDaemon's Log Files in a simple list format. This feature is very useful for quickly examining the history of MDaemon's mail transactions because it condenses the selected Log File into a columnar list which contains: the Type of the message (POP Inbound, DomainPOP, RFC2822, and so on), the Host to which MDaemon connected during the transaction, the sender, the recipient, the message size, the date that each message was processed, and whether or not the transaction was successful. You can also examine the detailed portion of the log regarding any of the entries on the list by double clicking the desired entry. This will display the portion of the log where that transaction was made. Logs displayed on the Log Page can be saved as a text file or in comma delimited format for use with databases.

Report Page

The last tab is the Report Page. With this feature you can produce a report containing all of MDaemon's configuration settings, written in a plain text readable format. Because of the large number of optional settings and configurations in MDaemon, this can greatly speed the process of administering configuration changes as well as aid in diagnosing possible configuration problems. Additionally, this report is displayed in a text editable format that makes it possible to Copy/Paste the information it contains (using the right-click shortcut menu), or add notations or other information to the file before saving it.