Logging Settings

Select Data to Log

Create 'All' log

Click this option if you want the "*-all.log" file to be generated, which contains a composite of all logged activities.

Always log to screen

Click this option if you want the logged data to be copied to the MDaemon GUI even when it is minimized or running in the tray.

When this control is cleared, log data isn't copied to the Event Tracking pane when MDaemon is running in the system tray. Consequently, the most recent activity won't be listed on any of the Event Tracking pane's tabs when MDaemon is first opened. It will begin displaying newly logged information from that point forward.

Log SMTP activity

Enable this option if you want to log all of MDaemon's send/receive SMTP activity.

Log POP3 activity

Click this checkbox to log all POP mail activity. This will log your users' POP mail collection sessions.

Log DomainPOP activity

Click this checkbox to log all DomainPOP mail activity.

Log MultiPOP activity

Click this checkbox to log all of your users' MultiPOP mail collection activity.

Log IMAP activity

Enabling this option causes all of your users' IMAP sessions to be included in MDaemon's log files.

Log RAS activity

Click this switch if you want MDaemon to copy RAS dialup/dialdown activities into the log file. This information is useful for diagnosing dialup problems.

Log Screening activity

Click this checkbox if you want MDaemon's Screening activities to be included in MDaemon's log file.

Log Minger activity

Click this checkbox to log Minger server activities.

Log Scheduler activity

Enable this checkbox if you wish to log all of the Event Scheduler's activity.

Log full WC/HTTP/IM activity

Click this option if you wish to log all WorldClient, HTTP, and WorldClient Instant Messenger activity. When disabled, WorldClient and HTTP logs will still be created showing WorldClient's startup and shutdown times, but other WC/HTTP/IM activity will not be logged.

Log AntiVirus activity

This option logs SecurityPlus for MDaemon activities

Log Spam Filter activity

Logs all Spam Filter activity.

Log DNS black list activity

This option causes MDaemon to log DNS black list activity. Using this option will allow you to have an easy reference to the sites that were logged as blacklisted.

Log message parsing activities

MDaemon periodically performs a great deal of message parsing activity when determining to whom a message should be delivered. Enable this switch if you want this information to be included in the log file.

Log content filter activity

Click this checkbox if you want to include Content Filter activity in the log file.

Log Outlook Connector activity

This option governs whether or not Outlook Connector activities are logged.

Log SMTP 'probes'

Click this option to log SMTP sessions when no message data is transmitted by the sending server (i.e. the sending server does not use the DATA command).

Log SPF activity

Click this check box if you wish to log all Sender Policy Framework lookup activities.

...but only when DNS data is found

If you are logging SPF activities, click this check box if you wish to log only lookups where actual SPF data is found during the DNS lookup, rather than logging all SPF lookups.

Log DKIM activity

Click this option if you wish to log DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) activity.

...but only when DNS data is found

Click this check box if you are logging DKIM activity but wish to log only those instances where DNS data is found instead of logging all activity.

Log DMARC activity

Click this option if you wish to log DMARC activity.

...but only when DNS data is found

Click this check box if you are logging DMARC activity but wish to log only those instances where DNS data is found instead of logging all activity.

Log VBR activity

Use this option if you wish to log message certification.

…but only when DNS data is found

If you are logging message certification activity, click this check box if you wish to log it only when actual certification data is found during the DNS lookup.

Log all local MDSpamD activity (debug logging—performance drain)

Use this option to log all local MDSpamD activities (see Caution below).

Log sessions in real time (debug logging—performance drain)

Ordinarily, session information is logged after the session is completed in order to conserve resources. Click this option if you want session information to be logged as it occurs.

When using either or both of the previous two logging options, you may see decreased performance in your mail system, depending on your system and the level of activity. Generally you should only use these options for debugging purposes.

Log multi-line protocol responses (like UIDL and LIST)

Sometimes the responses to protocol requests require more than one line of information. Click this checkbox if you want to log these additional lines.

Enabling this switch could potentially increase the amount of logged information a great deal. Because the number of lines in a response can't be determined in advance, and because some responses have great potential for "filling up" your log file with possibly unnecessary information (POP TOP, for example, lists the actual contents of the message), we do not recommend using this feature if log file size or verbosity is of concern to you.

Log ID string in mail session logs

Click this check box if you wish to include [%d:%d] ID strings in session logs.

Use colors when displaying mail session logs (requires MDaemon restart)

Enable this option if you wish to colorize the text displayed on several of the Event Tracking and Logging tabs on MDaemon's user interface. This option is disabled by default, and enabling/disabling it requires an MDaemon restart before the change will take effect. See: "Colorized Session Logs" below for more information.

Colorized Session Logs

On MDaemon's user interface, the tabs that display Routing, SMTP-in, SMTP-out, IMAP, POP, MultiPOP, and DomainPOP activity can be colorized to help visually separate events during a session. This features is disabled by default, but can be enabled via the "Use colors when displaying mail session logs" option located at: Logging » Settings and Preferences » UI. The default text colors can be changed by editing the [Colors] section of the LogColors.dat file. See the chart below for a list of the default colors.

If you want to use colors but don't want to colorize one or more of the listed elements, set value of each of those elements to zero (for example, SpamFilter=0). This will cause the chosen elements to use the Default color. For Background and SelectedBackground, however, setting their values to zero doesn't work. If you want to change either of those elements you will have to provide a new color value. Color values are specified in hexadecimal using this form: "0xbbggrr", where "bb" is the relative intensity for blue, "gg" for green, and "rr" for red. For example, "Error=0x0000ff" sets error text to red. Please note: this is the reverse of the traditional order for color codes, which is typically "rrggbb". If you make changes to the colors you must restart MDaemon or create of a file called COLORS.SEM and place it in MDaemon's \APP\ folder.

Default Log Colors


Background color; black


Selected background color; blue


Default text color; white


Internal processing and parsing activity; default is yellow


Incoming data from other server; default is dark green


Outgoing data sent to other server; default is bright green


Error messages; default is red


TCP/UDP/DNS/PTR related activity; default is light blue


Spam filtering; default is orange


AntiVirus processing; default is plum


DKIM activity; default is fuchsia


Vouch by Reference activity; default is light orange


Sender Policy Framework activity; default is grey


Any message sent from a plugin; default is brown


Local queue routing; default is yellow


Spam message routing; default is orange


Restricted message routing; default is light orange


Blacklisted message routing; default is grey


Gateway message routing; default is light green


Inbound message routing; default is light blue


Public folder message routing; default is plum